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Image by Stephen Phillips -


Ciena’s 5410 Packet-Optical Platform is part of a family of multi-terabit packet-optical switching platforms that transform networks into scalable, flexible, cost-reduced, service-enabling infrastructures to meet today’s monumental traffic growth challenges.

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Image by Paul Hanaoka


Offers a 5.0 Tb/s switch matrix with I/O modules supporting up to 500 Gb/s per slot

Allows users to select the most flexible networking model for packet, optical, and/or OTN redundancy options as needed

Provides more reliable, deterministic transport of packet services

Retains full mesh connectivity while most efficiently transporting Ethernet and other services over a DWDM optical network

Enables intelligent automated provisioning, planning, and protection/restoration via OneConnect, the world’s most advanced multi-layer ASON/GMPLS control plane

Consolidates SONET/SDH, OTN, and Ethernet/MPLS networks

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